JCSM Shareware Collection 1993 November
JCSM Shareware Collection - 1993-11.iso
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Text File
258 lines
; FAST IPX Communications Handler
const ipx_socket=4246h ;FB
const test_length=15
;== functions ==============================================================
function ipx_init
reg ax=7a00h
int 2fh
ax=reg ax
poke enteripx,reg di
poke enteripx+2,reg es
return low ax
function ipx(func)
reg bx=func
reg dx=ipx_socket
inline 9ah ;callf enteripx routine
enteripx: data 0,0
ax=reg ax
socket=reg dx
return low ax
proc setup_ecb_header(length)
poke ecb_fragments,1
poke ecb_frag_addr,ipx_packet
poke ecb_frag_addr+2,reg ds
poke ecb_frag_size,length
function poll_in_use
while peekb ecb_in_use
ipx(0ah) ;relinquish control
if key=27 then beep:goto exit_fipx
; print bios counter;" polls"
return peekb ecb_completion
function ipx_send(ipx_node,length)
moveb 6 from ipx_node to ipx_dest_node
reg es=reg ds
reg si=ipx_dest_network
reg di=ecb_immediate
if ipx(2) then return 0 ;get targets address
;setup ipx packet(s)
poke ipx_length,length
;send packet...
reg es=reg ds
reg si=ecb_header
ipx(3) ;send packet
return c
function ipx_receive
setup_ecb_header(576) ;maximum length
;start listening...
print bios "listening ... ";
reg es=reg ds
reg si=ecb_header
if ipx(4) then
print bios " socket does not exist."
return 0
if c=0 then
rl=peek ipx_length-30
print bios "'";
while rl print bios chr peekb rm;:rm++:rl--
print bios "'"
return c
;== start ==================================================================
print bios "FAST IPX Communicator"
if ipx_init <> 0ffh then
print bios "Error initialising IPX (not loaded?)."
if ipx(0)=0feh then ;open socket?
printh bios "Error opening socket - no more sockets available."
print bios "IPX initialised and socket open Ok"
while peekb s<>13
if (lcase peekb s)='s' then server=1
if server=0 then
moveb test_length from test_data to ipx_data ;hello?
if ipx_send(node_broadcast,test_length) then
print bios "Error sending packet."
goto exit_fipx
if ipx_receive=0 then
print bios "FIPX server is NOT listening."
goto exit_fipx
if not server then
print bios
print bios "Lets have a chat?"
print bios "<msg> ";
inputs talk
print bios
length=peekb (talk+1)
if length=0 then print bios "User aborted.":goto exit_fipx
moveb length from talk+2 to ipx_data
if ipx_send(ipx_source_node,length) then
print bios "Error sending packet."
goto exit_fipx
if not ipx_receive then
print bios "Listening: nobody there."
goto exit_fipx
if server then
moveb 2 from ipx_ok to ipx_data
if ipx_send(node_broadcast,2) then ;use source node if not server
print bios "Error sending packet."
goto exit_fipx
goto chat
ipx(1) ;close socket
;== data ===================================================================
test_data: datab 'Hello FastBase?'
ipx_ok: datab 'Ok'
node_broadcast: datab 0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh
talk: string 70
ipx_checksum: data 0ffffh
ipx_length: data 0 ;set this
ipx_transport: datab 0
ipx_type: datab 0
ipx_dest_network: datab 0,0,0,0
ipx_dest_node: datab 0,0,0,0,0,0 ;set this
ipx_dest_socket: data ipx_socket
ipx_source_network: datab 0,0,0,0
ipx_source_node: datab 0,0,0,0,0,0
ipx_source_socket: data 0000h
ipx_data: space 546 ;maximum data size per packet
;if the node = 0ffffffffffffh this is broadcast to all
ecb_header: ;ecb
ecb_link: data 0,0
ecb_address: data 0,0
ecb_in_use: datab 0
ecb_completion: datab 0
ecb_socket: data ipx_socket
ecb_workspace: data 0,0
ecb_driver: datab 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
ecb_immediate: datab 0,0,0,0,0,0
ecb_fragments: data 0 ;lo-hi !!!
ecb_frag_addr: data 0,0
ecb_frag_size: data 0
space 9*6 ;room for 10 fragments
;send must set esr address, socket, immediate address and 1 fragment
;receive must set esr address, socket and 1 fragment
;in use flag:
; 00 = done
; FB = send or receive has occurred but ecb is in a holding queue waiting
; FD = an event is scheduled and IPX awaits expiration
; FE = IPX is listening for incoming packets
; FF = ECB is in use sending a packet
; FA = ECB is being processed
; F8 = send was attempted while IPX was busy, queued for later processing
;completion code on send:
; 00 = sent ok
; FC = send cancelled
; FD = packet is malformed (ie: ecb or ipx packet has invalid values)
; FE = undelivered - there was no listener
; FF = hardware/network failure - can't send packet
;completion code on receive:
; 00 = packet has been received
; FC = listen request has been cancelled
; FD = overflow - packet received but fragment count = 0 or not enough space
; FF = the socket is closed